Mazel Tov and Congratulations! You have been accepted as an Achvat Amim Justice Fellow.
Scheduling & Commitment
Seminars are Sundays [approximately 9:00am -4:00pm] The learning process is carefully designed to build on itself so being present in the flow of the program is important. Additionally, we will be having deeply meaningful and difficult conversations during the learning process, which require community and trust. Achvat Amim expects that those joining the Justice Fellowship will be present for all learning days and trips besides extenuating circumstances. If you foresee a scheduling conflict or missing additional seminars, please reach out to discuss.
Please note the additional dates of opening and closing seminar in your calendar: Opening seminar: Sunday September 22nd, 2024 (9:30a-4:30p), Closing seminar: Friday January 17th, 2025 (6:00p-9:00p),
We will be having deeply meaningful and difficult conversations on the fellowship, which require community and trust. Additionally, the learning process has been carefully designed to build on itself so being present in the flow of the program is important. Achvat Amim expects that fellows will be present for all learning days besides extenuating circumstances. If you foresee a scheduling conflict or missing additional seminars, please reach out to discuss.
Important Dates Opening Day: 22nd September South Trip: 7th-10th November Break: 17th - 23rd November North Trip: 12th - 15th December Closing Dinner: 17th January
Learning Days:
Learning Orientation 22nd September - How we learn together
HOME/LAND 29th September - Home in the Jewish Imagination: Zionism and Diasporism 6th October - Narrative, Nationalism, Nakba: Palestinian Identity Formation 13th October - Holocaust and Antisemitism: Personal and Collective Trauma and Healing 20th October - Land and Law: Systems of Occupation and Alternatives to Conquest 27th October - Narratives of an Occupied City: Hebron Tour with Breaking the Silence
PEOPLE/HOOD 3rd November - Centre and Periphery in Jewish Identity 7th - 10th November SOUTH TRIP **Participant Planned and Led 24th November - Palestinian Food and Culture 1st December- Secular and Religious Identity in Israeli Society 8th December- Gender, Feminism, and Militarism in Israeli Society
SELF/DETERMINATION 12th - 15th December - NORTH TRIP **Participant Planned and Led 22nd December - Gaza Information Download 29th December - Political Violence and non violence 5th January - Comparative Struggles for Change 12th January - Imagineering the Future